ik stuitte op dit wonderlijke 'apparaat', dat met een ingebouwde racklight/volt-meter best wel in productie genomen zou mogen worden:

Rane PI-14 Pseudoacoustic Infector


* Independent Power & Glory Switches
* Continuously Variable This/That Level
* Full-Function Ecstacy Generator
* Variable This to That Crossover Frequency
* Here-There Pan (Back Again Switching)
* Program Dependent Sheen Removal
* Anti-Resonant Concrete Chassis
* Proprietary Paint to Reflect Odd Harmonic Light Frequencies to Reduce Nono-Linear Photon Radiation Interference
* Time Warp Compression/Expansion to Synchronize Here/There Time Coordinates


* New Age Seminars
* Car Washes
* High School Cafeterias
* Funeral Homes
* Executive Washrooms
* High End Audio Demo Rooms
* Community Access Cable Channels
* Airport Baggage Claim Areas
* Cars With Tiny Steering Wheels
* Communications Scrambling
* Railroad Crossing Warning Systems
* Door Stops "

Wat hebben jullie 'op het eind' gedaan?

-toch maar die Korg Tuner?
-racklight/power distributor ?
- blindplaat ("voor de ventilatie") ?
- ventilatierooster?
- of 'toch maar' die ene rackprocessor ?