Citaat Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Gilmour-strat Bekijk bericht


I own a Mesa Triaxis and since yesterday it is broken.
I turned the unit on, and several leds (preset/program channel / Gain) were not working.
After seveal minutes, all the other working leds went down and the one which is still working is the Dynamic voice.
Another problem is that all the buttons, are not working, I can press them but nothing happens..

Can you tell me what is wrong with my Triaxis and how this could happen?
And the big guestion is: What will it cost to fix these problems?


Joris van Beers
Die man is waarschijnlijk helderziende, kan vanachter zijn pc/mac het probleem constateren en troubleshooten, zonder iets te meten. Alsook direct meteen parts en werkuren tot op de minuut inschatten ? Zo iemand wil ik ook in dienst ;-)

alle gekheid op een stokje, meten is weten, go to the doctor !