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  1. Uke's "Wat Eten We Vanavond?" vega quote blog

    Deze postte ik ooit op LGTf, het forum voor linkshandige gitaristen
    Citaat Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Olav Bekijk bericht
    You've heard of BLT sandwiches of course. Bacon. Lettuce. Tomato.
    Here's my alternative; HLT. Halloumi. Lettuce. You've guessed it; Tomato.
    Halloumi is a Cypriotic (thanks to Cotsulas' ancestors!) cheese, especially suited for grilling. It's made with a combination of goatmilk, sheepmilk and cow's milk and added herbs. Yu... mmie!
    Slice your halloumi a half inch thick, same for a good, sweet tomato.
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