View Full Version : Het gebruik van phantom power en dynamische mics.

Han S
31 juli 2006, 14:14
Daar zijn wel eens vragen over en normaal heeft een dynamische microfoon geen hinder van fantoomvoeding. Maar er zijn gevallen dat dat wel zo is.

Harvey Gerst legt het even goed uit:

Most mics use a transformer as the output to the board preamp. A transformer won't pass DC. That's how phantom power works; they put +48 volts DC on pin 2 and 3 (relative to ground), and then the transformer stops it from going any further. But now they have that voltage at the mic and they can tap off of it to power the capsule and the electronics. Can it hurt a dynamic mic? Yes under a couple of conditions.

It could damage a mic if one side of the transformer or the cable is shorted to ground, or the connector doesn't make contact with both signal pins at the same time. For the most part, it shouldn't be a problem, but it's always a good idea (whenever possible) to turn off phantom power before connecting or disconnecting ANY mic.

Ribbon mics are most suceptable to phantom power since the ribbon acts like a fuse, and it will simply break or vaporize, but the transformer will usually offer some safety, even there.
