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Wicked Willy
6 juni 2006, 12:39
De definitieve uitspraak:

STEVENSVILLE, MD) June 5, 2006 — Paul Reed Smith Guitars is very pleased to announce that the United States Supreme Court today denied Gibson Guitar's final appeal of a Court of Appeals decision upholding PRS' right to make a single cutaway-style guitar. When first introduced more than six years ago at the NAMM show, the PRS Singlecut® quickly captured the attention of artists and critics, winning awards for its design and quality. Seeking to stop competition to its Les Paul brand single cutaway-style guitar, Gibson moved aggressively, filing a suit in Nashville that asserted trademark infringement. After several years of expensive and drawn-out litigation, the local federal district court judge initially sided with Gibson. That court ordered PRS to stop sales of its Singlecut®. Several companies joined PRS in urging the appellate court--the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit--to reverse the decision. Last year, the Sixth Circuit ruled that an injunction should never have been issued by the lower court. The court observed that Gibson conceded that only "an idiot" would ever confuse a PRS Singlecut® and a Gibson Les Paul. Based on that concession and the overwhelming evidence, the Sixth Circuit found that Gibson's trademark case had no merit and summarily dismissed the suit. The Supreme Court's decision today leaves the Sixth Circuit opinion in place and ends Gibson's multi-year effort to thwart legitimate competition under the guise of intellectual property law.

Paul Reed Smith, the company founder, stated: "I am delighted for our employees, our dealers, our customers and the industry. Everyone was extremely supportive of our cause and our company over the last six years, fully embracing our decision to fight back against Gibson's charges." Smith added: "My thanks especially go to those in the industry who helped educate the court: the media, our industry peers, guitar craftsmen and industry scholars. Their help was invaluable.”

Anders Destium
6 juni 2006, 14:03
And justice for all...

6 juni 2006, 14:10
Zo, kunnen die dingen nu weer tegen normale prijzen verkocht worden, mooi!!

6 juni 2006, 14:12
Behalve de pre-lawsuitexemplaren, want dat staat mooi in de advertentie, hehehe.

Wicked Willy
6 juni 2006, 14:19
Laat ik nu een pre-lawsuit model hebben.......hahahaha. Maakt volgens mee geen reet uit btw.

Anders Destium
6 juni 2006, 14:22
Het maakt inderdaad niets uit voor de gitaren zelf, er is geen enkel verschil tussen de oudere en nieuwere qua ontwerp. Dat is dus iets anders dan de lawsuitperiode waarna er wél ontwerpveranderingen moesten worden doorgevoerd.

Ik heb ook een pre-lawsuit. En dan ook nog in een discontinued kleur! Alleen jammer dat hij niet echt in verzamelaarstaat is (teveel op gespeeld):cheerup:

6 juni 2006, 15:24
tsja, mijn broeder noemt ook alle singlecut modellen les paul rip offs(N)

6 juni 2006, 15:45
Als ik de hoofdman bij Fender was, had ik Gibson NU een rechtzaak aangespannen. Tenslotte was de Les Paul ook niet veel meer dan een telecaster-kloon. Het verschil is in ieder geval niet groter dan die tussen de LP en de PRS SC.

6 juni 2006, 16:47
les paul een telecaster kloon? you got to be kidding me!


6 juni 2006, 22:54
les paul een telecaster kloon? you got to be kidding me!


Denk ik ook...

7 juni 2006, 11:54
Geschiedenislessen jongelui (*kuch*), geschiedenislessen.

7 juni 2006, 21:55
Dan is het Gibson gelukt der toch nog wat van te maken dan....:p