
View Full Version : Dobro / Lapsteel

17 mei 2006, 21:26

Sinds ik een dvd heb gezien van Allison Krauss met Jerry Douglas op dobro, ben ik hier helemaal weg van.

Is er iemand die mij wat tips kan geven over hoe je dobro / lapsteel speelt?
Liefst in de country stijl en delta blues.


17 mei 2006, 21:49

Sinds ik een dvd heb gezien van Allison Krauss met Jerry Douglas op dobro, ben ik hier helemaal weg van.

Is er iemand die mij wat tips kan geven over hoe je dobro / lapsteel speelt?
Liefst in de country stijl en delta blues.


Jerry Douglas is de absolute meester : check eens de Transatlantic sessions uit.

17 mei 2006, 22:31
Tja, daar noem je me even een band.

Van mijn website:

"Alison Krauss is one of my favorite women, definitely my favorite female artist and a woman I love, even though I never met her in my life. And she's also one of the best fiddlers I've ever heard! I love her voice, I love her mentality and I love her choice of music, which always touches me deep inside and seems to make time stand still for a while. The harmony and synergy of her band Union Station is unsurpassed, and makes it one of the best bands ever, in my opinion. Alison Krauss truly is a woman I admire."

"Jerry Douglas is the Tommy Emmanuel of the dobro. Not a guitarist (as far as I know, although I would not be surprised if he plays a good guitar too), but certainly a fingerpicker! He is unbelievable. Not just because of his awesome, flawless and highly original technique, but particularly because of the incredible 'feel' and emotion he expresses in his music. A slide guitar is often misused, in my opinion. But Jerry gets more out of the instrument than anyone would possibly expect from a mortal man. A brilliant, sweet tone, with perfect pitch throughout (the dobro is not hampered by the tempered scales the way a fretted guitar is, and Jerry knows that - all his notes are accurate to one part per million). He can play all styles of music, but I particularly like his ballads and most of all his bluegrass work! The CD he recorded with Russel Barenberg (guitar) and Edgar Meyer (double bass), Skip, Hop & Wobble (, would probably end up in my personal top 3 of best albums ever."

Wat je vraag betreft: belangrijk is dat je leert niet alle tonen door elkaar te laten lopen. Dat kun je o.a. doen door voortdurend met je linkerpink en ringvinger de snaren te dempen (losjes over de snaren leggen). Met de steel pik je dan de ene snaar eruit die je hebben wilt.
Niet dat ik overigens zo goed dobro speel... maar dąt heb ik geleerd!

19 mei 2006, 12:27
Zijn er nog suggesties?