
View Full Version : Boost, distortion, or both...? budget: 150 to 200 euros.

26 augustus 2005, 14:23
I have about...150 to 200 euros for one or 2 pedals. If I chose 2 pedals, one will be a boost, the other a distortion. If I chose one, it'd be a boost, or both.
I really like the Jekyll and Hyde, but I feel that SD1/Bad Monkey + Turbo Rat will serve me better, though I don't know if the Rat has enough gain. If I got the Maxon OD too, I'd probably get a great sound but that's 150 by itself :s

So I could do:
SD1 + Distortion
Bad Monkey + Distortion
In Distortions, it could be the Turbo Rat, or anything under 100 euros... I don't have many ideas.
Jekyll and Hyde
Maxon OD9/OD808

The amp is Laney AOR pro tube combo. Basically a hotrodded JCM800. British sound, a lot of gain but not enough for me... I'd like to get thick bass from the pedal (and to be able to dial some in the pedal itself, as the amp's bass gets fuzzy) and to have no midschoop (I just love my mids :P)
Thanks for any suggestions or help :)

26 augustus 2005, 14:34
Try the Hughes & Kettner Tubefactor ( I tried it with my bass, and it's brilliant! Total warm real tube-overdrive or distortion. Boosts as well (if you want). Could be just the thing you're looking for.

26 augustus 2005, 14:38
Ah you're right, damn this seems really cool... It's a little out of my budget though. I'll keep it in mind for later on though, thanks!

Les Paul
27 augustus 2005, 09:24
I think you should try the Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde. It's 2 pedals in 1.
Jekyll side is like a Tubescreamer. Hyde has lots of gain. The pedal sounds great and would cost about 150 euro

27 augustus 2005, 09:51
Carl Martin Hot drive'n Boost has a overdrive and a boost. Or maybe a BOSS SD-2 Dual Overdrive. That pedal has a SD-1 build in it and a 2nd channel wich is a SD-1 with a boost.

27 augustus 2005, 10:22
Really, look for a second handed H&K Tubefactor! Great pedal.