
View Full Version : New shop dedicated to GUITAR ORIENTED MUSICS !

10 juni 2005, 09:40
Hello, sorry to speak english I' m not German :wink:

This shop can be very interesting for all guitarists, there are many cds, dvds, and it seems that cdroms will be available soon

The adress is :

It also includes interviews, news, a jukebox with full tracks...

Hope you like it !

10 juni 2005, 10:06
First of all, this is a Dutch forum and second of all this should be in 'sites'.

10 juni 2005, 10:10
This Dutch (!!!) forum isn't meant for commercial purposes. In other words: GO AWAY!! :evil:

10 juni 2005, 10:14
First of all, this is a Dutch forum and second of all this should be in 'sites'.

Ok I know this is a deutsch forum.. but the shop is including a deutsch version, and is dedicated to europeans !
I' m sure lots of guitarists will be happy to discover this website :D

How can I move this topic to the "sites" section ?

10 juni 2005, 10:25 in in from Holland...not Deutsch as in German!
Or are you pulling our legs here!

10 juni 2005, 10:33
Ok.. I' m quiet embarrased :( my goal was just to help the guys from this website.

Sorry to have posted here have a good day !

10 juni 2005, 11:43
nice idea to help us but a first post linking to a commercial site that's spam and not wanted here.(and even the link is wrong :-D )
and i'll hope you know the difference between a dutch and a german forum, completely different language, i suspect you are a american, because a lot of americans don't have the slightest idea about this.