
View Full Version : Morbid Angel + Hatesphere in de Effenaar (Eindhoven)

24 maart 2005, 17:48
Morbid Angel + Hatesphere
Afterparty met Slayer Coverband + Dynamo Roadshow

Za 16 april 2005
Aanvang: 19:30 uur
Entree: € 18.00
Voorverkoop: reeds gestart (wo 2 februari 2005)

"Slayer heeft ‘Reign In Blood’, Carcass heeft ‘Symphonies Of Sickness’ en Morbid Angel heeft ‘Altars Of Madness’ (1989) èn ‘Blessed Are The Sick’ (1991)! Mijlpalen van albums die de fundering hebben gelegd voor de hedendaagse death metal. Met de eerste levende drumcomputer Pete ‘Blastbeat’ Sandoval op drums, Trey ‘Bleed For The Devil’ Azagtoth op gitaar en, eindelijk weer terug op het nest na een fiks ‘Genitorture-avontuur’, de enige echte Morbid Angel frontman Dave Vincent, is Morbid Angel één van de grootste death metal fenomenen op aarde. Wie brult er vanavond anthems als ‘Chapel Of Ghouls’, ‘Fall From Grace’, ‘Immortal Rites’, ‘Blessed Are the Sick’ niet mee?

Hatesphere is de killer support en tourde onlangs nog met Kreator. Hatesphere maakt ontzèttend goede thrash metal. Zelfs Onze Lieve Heer had dat niet beter gekund!

Necrophagist komt wegens ziekte niet mee met Morbid Angel. Er wordt naarstig gezocht naar een passende vervanger. Lees hieronder het statement van de band.

"Due to health problems that will prevent me from performing on stage or leaving Stuttgart, NECROPHAGIST is unfortunately forced to cancel our upcoming tours with MORBID ANGEL and NILE as well as our own shows. The situation is dire enough that without cancellation of these dates the very existence of the band and my playing is threatened.

NECROPHAGIST and I were looking forward to bringing the Epitaph record to life for the first time, and not being able to do so is an enormous disappointment to us.

I am sorry to disappoint you, our amazing fans and supporters, and my fellow bandmates, who have been working intensely with an amazingly professional attitude and are eager to destroy the stage. I know this has been their big dream and a great opportunity, but the situation does not allow me to continue for now. I promise to make sure I will get back on track as soon as my health allows, because I owe this to our fans and my bandmates.

Muhammed Suicmez, March 2 2005"