
View Full Version : wat is er mis met dave mustaine?

19 december 2004, 11:23
ja veel :D

weet niet precies of dit in offtopic of gitaristen hoort, vandaar dus maar hier, maar ik snap die draaikont echt niet..
eerst loopt ie 20 jaar lang tegen metallica en slayer te kankeren, dan verschijnt hij ineens huilend in een metallica film dat niemand hem aardig vind blablabla en dan is het 2 maanden koek en ei, dan loopt ie ineens weer op metallica te kankeren voor maanden en dan lees ik net dit:

Megadeth mainman Dave Mustaine has posted a message on the group's official message board publicly apologizing to Metallica, amongst other people and band's. The message is as follows:


"Tonight I had the honor and priveledge to host a special [MTV2 'Headbanger's Ball'] tribute to the life of Darrel 'Dimebag' Abbott.

"I went out to NYC Thursday at 9:30 PM on a redeye to do this, and during the period since then, I have had a good amount of time to reflect on my own life.

"I realized how fortunate I am, and have been to have met some of you, and in some cases become friends with many of you.

"What is bothering me is the people who I have not been able to meet, or worse, have met and ended up not being friends with. There are many.

"I would like to, in honor of Darrel's life, learn from him and how many friends he apparently had made.

"Over my career I have a lot of cleaning up to do on my side of the street as well as letting things go, for once and for all; I need to apologize to many people and also to forgive and quit holding grudges.

"Having said that, if there is something I did to you or someone you know, please give me the opportunity to make this right.

"To Slayer and Metallica: I am sorry for whatever I may have done in the past and wish to make it right, to put it behind us. Please let me know how and when we can talk this out.

"To previous bandmembers and managers: I say the same to you.

"To all the Megadeth/Metallica fans: from this day forward, there will never be another unkind word from my mouth perpetuating this silly 22-year-old feud.

"And to heavy metal fans around the world: I am going to emulate Dimebag by being more like him; more friendly, and more interested in your lives too, I promise.

"I am grateful to have been asked to come in this hour of darkness to represent us all as we come together and heal as a worldwide music community, and I would be a fraud if I didn't say I need to do more to better represent.

"Thank you in advance for your forgiveness and for your support."

In recent interviews, Mustaine has publicly attacked the band for his portrayal in a scene in the Metallica film "Some Kind Of Monster" where he and Lars came together to discuss some personal issues between the two parties.

Source: Blabbermouth

hou je gewoon bij je standpunten als je een beetje geloofwaardig over wilt komen :D