
View Full Version : Ibanez RG450 - 3d gemodelleerd by KrizZz...

8 november 2004, 22:44
Ik heb geen zin het in het nederlands te vertalen :P :

Hi all,

I played around with the virtual jem model and converted it into a RG.

Check out this <image series (click here)> ( where I did dimitar's RG450. :wink:
These images where exclusively made for mr. Dimitar Nalbantov (

Hey, and don't mind the wrong plug hole and bridge, I just did a simple conversion. I'm not a modeller, I'm better at textures etc.

Oh, and all the modelling credits for the virtual jem model go to |The Loop| (you rock dude). :)

If you like 'm, check out the rest at my website: 8)
Enne? :amp:

10 november 2004, 17:29
wo shit man, dat is goed gedaan! Ongelofelijk.

13 november 2004, 16:56
Thanks! :-D

Hehe, was wel veel werk ook. :o