
View Full Version : Blackstone ???

14 juni 2004, 16:13
Hey, een vraagje...

Gebruikt hier iemand een Blackstone App. overdrive en zo ja wat zijn je bevindingen??

En waar zijn deze dingen eventueel te koop/te beluisteren??

Alvast bedankt.

14 juni 2004, 16:28
Nee, heb er geen. Maar ik hou Ebay in de gaten: als er een voor een leuk prijsje voorbij komt, snaai ik hem weg!

Heb hier een user review dat iemand van HC mij stuurde:

No problem for the short review. I really liked the amber channel. When I did the research on it, I noticed that some people complained that it had a different feel, and they didn't quite vibe with it. I think what they describe is a slight hollowness that seems to come with mosfet based ODs. I'm not quite sure exactly, and it is just my guess. I noticed the hollowness with my Fulltone Fatboost which is mosfet based. I don't know if you have access to one, but if you listen to it slightly driven, you can kind of hear a hollowness to the tone, sort of a wideness to the sound. The Blackstone doesn't have it as prominently as the Fatboost, but I do believe some of that quality is there. (cont.)

I haven't experimented with it much on clean vs. saturated clean amps in a while so I really forgot a lot of the A/B'ing that I did when I first got it. I know though, when I A/B'ed it with a TS9 Silver, that it definitely had something that made it sound much more dimensional vs. the TS9. It also cleaned up MUCH better than the TS9 Silver.

The way the tone controls are set up on the Blackstone is actually very limited. I think you will either like it's sound or you won't. It has a mid-cut trim that is shared between two channels. It's very subtle, so it's not very versatile in the sense of the way other OD tone controls are set up. I am continuously fidgetting with this trim which is located on the top of the unit.

I use a Voodoo Lab Power Pedal II, and have tried the sag function on many of my pedals. For the most part, I didn't think that the sag made too much of a difference with my other pedals, but I think it really helps the Blackstone. I don't know if it's because of the circuitry or because there isn't too much high end tone control, but the sag function definitely helped with the Blackstone. It definitely softened the edges and gave it a thicker warmer sound. I only noticed this last week when I realized that the sag function was on, and I disengaged it. I think I got so used to the sound with the sag, that I felt that the non-sag sound lost its warmth and body. I quickly put the sag back on.
If and when you do get a Blackstone, try and make sure you can get the instructions with it. It explains the buffer mode, the internal trims, the switchable capacitors, and such. If not, you can send me a PM, and I can try and photocopy the instructions.
Well, good luck with your hunt, and I apologize if this was way too long!

/Edit: SS staat hier voor SoulSerade