
View Full Version : Voor degene die foto's van de MiG*Boost willen zien...

14 mei 2004, 01:52

dat doet me deugd. :)

14 mei 2004, 09:33
das wel een geil pedaalke wat ge hebt geknutseld. who cares about tone...inlijsten en boven de haard hangen. lig je binnenkort ook bij vd haar en jukebox? ziet er echt tof uit!!

14 mei 2004, 09:35
wrom zie ik geen pica remco??

14 mei 2004, 09:38
Stoer, dude!

best looking non-prof (:D) pedaaltje dat ik sinds tijden gezien heb...

zo en zo trouwens!

erg leuk!

14 mei 2004, 09:51
Damn, ziet er goed uit Speedy-D, je komt ook goed uit Bieke's review, dus dat het is niet alleen een leuk buitenkantje.

14 mei 2004, 10:16
[Quote]"the Mig*Boost is a must have" "the moment I stepped the pedal,it was pure bliss" [Quote]

Kijk, daar kun je mee aan komen zetten!

[Quote] "I dropped the pedal twice already, so I can say it’s well made"

Dat is nog eens gedegen testen. Gewoon hoppa, je nieuwe pedaal twee keer op de grond laten flikkeren en kijken of hij het dan nog doet. :o :o

Het pedaal ziet er errrrrrrrrg goed uit. Heel professioneel, absoluut niet wat ik me voorstel bij "I handpaint myself and use decals".

Die overdrive ziet er ook erg goed uit. Ha, ha, Don Driveone. Vooral "Il Tone" is erg leuk. Als je die serieus gaat bouwen heb je er denk ik in ieder geval 1 verkocht.

14 mei 2004, 10:57
thanks guys.
Ja, ik had ook geen idee dat hij hem ZOOO goed zou vinden.
Ik ben zelf namelijk nogal kieskeurig qua overdrives, en kon me voorstellen dat mensen de overdrive-sound van de MiG*Boost misschien wat minder zouden vinden... guess not! :D

Zoals t er nu uitziet zijn de eerste 10 gereserveerd (of Sash moet afhaken :wink: ). Ik vroeg me wel af of er hier dan nog interesse is in de volgende 5 of 10, die wat duurder zullen zijn, maar mogelijk er (nog) professioneler uitgaan zien, en misschien zelfs een PCB wijziging krijgen, waardoor ie ook dual opamps accepteert, en je dus kan gaan kloten met de klassiekers JRC455D, RC4558P etc. Maar goed, als de zuinige Nederlanders vinden ( :razz: ) dat ik geen 100-11? euro mag vragen voor een gezeefdrukt en mogelijk ge-poederlakt boutique pedaal, moet je t zeggen. :wink:

(t moet voor mij ook de moeite blijven ze te maken, en die introductie prijs was eigenlijk parts+labor, zonder echte winst, waarmee ik nieuwe projecten zou kunnen bekostigen ofzo)

14 mei 2004, 11:26
Ik vroeg me wel af of er hier dan nog interesse is in de volgende 5 of 10, die wat duurder zullen zijn, maar mogelijk er (nog) professioneler uitgaan zien, en misschien zelfs een PCB wijziging krijgen, waardoor ie ook dual opamps accepteert, en je dus kan gaan kloten met de klassiekers JRC455D, RC4558P etc. Maar goed, als de zuinige Nederlanders vinden ( :razz: ) dat ik geen 100-11? euro mag vragen voor een gezeefdrukt en mogelijk ge-poederlakt boutique pedaal, moet je t zeggen. :wink:

De prijs lijkt me wel ok, maar

"If I had to compare it to another pedal, I’d say it sounds a lot like the Banzai Cold Fusion."

En die heb ik al

(Maar nogmaals, zo'n Don Corletone,.........)

14 mei 2004, 11:47
hey Quink, cool idee. Don Corletone klinkt grappiger en is makkelijker te begrijpen dan Driveone.
Mocht ik een serie maken, krijg jij korting. :wink:

14 mei 2004, 12:01
hey Quink, cool idee. Don Corletone klinkt grappiger en is makkelijker te begrijpen dan Driveone.
Mocht ik een serie maken, krijg jij korting. :wink:


(Voor de duidelijkheid, dit ïs niet vanwege de mogelijk korting, maar vanwege het idee een (zeer kleine) bijdrage te hebben geleverd aan het pedaal).

14 mei 2004, 12:24
ziet er mooi uit man!

ik zou zelf ook graag wat pedaaltjes bouwen maar ik zit met het probleem dat ik niks van elektronica ken.
mijn fuzz is uiteindelijk gelukt en de mosfet booster die ik in hetzelfde pedaaltje ga bouwen zal ook nog wel gaan (iemand is op dit moment voor mij er een pcb'tje voor aan het etsen :) )
maar ik weet eigenlijk niet echt waarvoor elk onderdeel juist dient en kan dus ook niet zelf gaan denken hoe ik een ander geluid krijg of gaan experimenteren met andere onderdelen
heb jij een elektronica of andere technische scholing achter de rug?

14 mei 2004, 12:28

Ik weet ook niet wat elk onderdeeltje nou precies doet. :lol:

14 mei 2004, 13:00
Ik moet zeggen, ziet er erg proffesioneel uit, speeddemon. Lijkt me een erg gaaf pedaal!

Kun je trouwens niet een paar soundssamples maken ofzo? Ben wel erg benieuwd!

14 mei 2004, 13:09

dat doet me deugd. :)
Ziet er erg goed uit Remco! Op de pedalendag klonk 'ie ook heel goed, mischien wel de beste van de shootout op de Rivera. Ik heb geen GAS helaas (helaas??? :o ); Blues Devil + tremolux is op dit moment een hele goeie combi voor mij.

14 mei 2004, 14:14
Erg netjes gemaakt! ook leuk die schildering. Ik ben wel benieuwd hoe ie klinkt. Wat voor effecten maak je allemaal??

14 mei 2004, 20:25
Bram, deze en een top secret project.
Dat project is erg gaaf, maar als er daar meer van gebouwd gaan worden, wordt ie ook erg duur (zeer complexe prints). Die hikt dan al gauw richting de 200-225 euro. Meer kan ik er niet over zeggen, ivm mogelijk plagiaat enzo :wink:

Wat ik i.i.g zelf nog wil doen, is een metaldistortion bouwen, een Boss SD-1 of OD-3 kloon (maar dan wel verbeterd/hotrodded).
Verwacht van mij alleen absoluut geen fuzzfaces of TS-klonen.
a) kutpedalen
b) teveel al op de wereld
c) als je een vrouw kan laten klaarkomen, kun je zelf wel een fuzzface bouwen. :roll:

14 mei 2004, 20:25

14 mei 2004, 22:11
Bram, deze en een top secret project.
Dat project is erg gaaf, maar als er daar meer van gebouwd gaan worden, wordt ie ook erg duur (zeer complexe prints). Die hikt dan al gauw richting de 200-225 euro. Meer kan ik er niet over zeggen, ivm mogelijk plagiaat enzo :wink:

Wat ik i.i.g zelf nog wil doen, is een metaldistortion bouwen, een Boss SD-1 of OD-3 kloon (maar dan wel verbeterd/hotrodded).
Verwacht van mij alleen absoluut geen fuzzfaces of TS-klonen.
a) kutpedalen
b) teveel al op de wereld
c) als je een vrouw kan laten klaarkomen, kun je zelf wel een fuzzface bouwen. :roll:

Never say never, Speedy. The 808 is a modified clone of the 250, so in a already have built a TS clone. :razz:

Also, you'll probably want to delve into the fuzz genre eventually and the FF is where it's at. It's so simple there'a about a thousand different mods you can do.

Corletone is much cooler. Driveone to an english speaker looks like "Drive 1" because our E's are silent. I had no idea what Driveone meant until I saw Corletone. Then it made sense.

I've messed around with LED clipping a little, but only with yellow LEDs. Have you noticed any difference in tone with the different colors?

Anyways...kudos, Speedy. The Mig*Boost looks very cool indeed!

14 mei 2004, 22:22
Never say never, Speedy. The 808 is a modified clone of the 250, so in a already have built a TS clone. :razz:

That's gotta hurt! :D

14 mei 2004, 23:20
indeed ouch!

(btw, I thought the TS types get their distortion in a whole different way, besides they're symmetrical. DOD 250 can never be accused of having a nasal mid-hump either. ;) )

about the LEDs, well I bought a whole bunch of yellow and red LEDs (3mm), but in Bieke's MiG*Boost there were 5mm green ones (the Fairchild ones from SBE), and #002 sounded clearer than #003, but most of the resistors have 5% tolerance, and in #003 1 1N914 diode was used too next to 1 1N4001 (instead of 2 1N4001's), so I'm not 100% sure whether the LEDs had such a great impact.

But the Fairchild LEDs are more 'hi effiency' right? So does that mean=higher treshold voltage==>more clear sound, less distortion?

15 mei 2004, 05:51
indeed ouch!

(btw, I thought the TS types get their distortion in a whole different way, besides they're symmetrical. DOD 250 can never be accused of having a nasal mid-hump either. ;) )

about the LEDs, well I bought a whole bunch of yellow and red LEDs (3mm), but in Bieke's MiG*Boost there were 5mm green ones (the Fairchild ones from SBE), and #002 sounded clearer than #003, but most of the resistors have 5% tolerance, and in #003 1 1N914 diode was used too next to 1 1N4001 (instead of 2 1N4001's), so I'm not 100% sure whether the LEDs had such a great impact.

But the Fairchild LEDs are more 'hi effiency' right? So does that mean=higher treshold voltage==>more clear sound, less distortion?

I'm not sure about LEDs performance when used stictly as a diode. I only pay attention to how many lumens they put out. Langraff uses LEDs for their clipping.

The tube screamer is based on the 250. Compare the schematics. If you take away the input buffer(the first transistor and all the components surrounding it, the output buffer( the second transistor) and the second half of the op amp(this part is used for the tone knob and the reason for it's mid hump) of the 808 then you are left with an almost exact clone of the 250. Basically just a voltage divide, 1 half of a dual op amp and a clipping stage. The 250 has symmetrical clipping as well.

all the op amp based ODs are all based on the same thing. There's only so many things you can do with an op amp. Either invert it or non-invert it. But anyways...I wasn't bringing it up to be a dick. I was just shooting off at the mouth :razz:

15 mei 2004, 10:11
Bigtone, sorry to be the attacker on your posts again :wink:

Your analysis of how a TS and a 250 compare appears to be a little shortsighted in my opinion. Only the fact that the diodes in a TS are in the opamps feedbackloop instead of as a shortcut to ground makes a very large difference already. This since the absence of the clipping signal to the inverting input of the opamp causes the opamp to respond very different to the high harminics created. One of the TS-es keyfactors, and this is also where the 4558 opamp plays it's important role which made it so famous, is the way in which the opamp recovers/filters ( from) the clipped signal. One needs the diodes in the feedbackloop to make use of this effect. When at the output this effect will be smaller to none, making the distortion much more agressive. When stating antiparallel diodes as clipping means make a distortion a TS type distortion the worldwide amount of TS players increases with an amount I don't even want to think about....
Also, the considerable higher gain of of a 250 causes the output to have a lot more energy to be driven into the diodes, making the edges of the clipped signal a lot sharper giving an entirely different sound.

As for Leds and their sound.
The colour of a led depends of the so called contamination of the sillicon. This is semiconductor physics. Therefore different colours of led's work at different voltages (althoug all differences are in the millivolts range) and currents. This simply means that the clipping will occur at different levels depending on the colour used. I never dived into the differences between a "normal" and a high brightness or high efficiency LED so I cannot say anything about their sonical differences. (is that true? not really, A high efficiency LED works on a lower current so it will clip easier with the same quantity of energy supplied... I guess).

15 mei 2004, 16:48
c) als je een vrouw kan laten klaarkomen, kun je zelf wel een fuzzface bouwen. :roll:


15 mei 2004, 17:51
This tech talk takes the Forum to the next level :)

Keep talking guys, this is interesting !

15 mei 2004, 19:26
Bigtone, sorry to be the attacker on your posts again :wink:

Your analysis of how a TS and a 250 compare appears to be a little shortsighted in my opinion. Only the fact that the diodes in a TS are in the opamps feedbackloop instead of as a shortcut to ground makes a very large difference already. This since the absence of the clipping signal to the inverting input of the opamp causes the opamp to respond very different to the high harminics created. One of the TS-es keyfactors, and this is also where the 4558 opamp plays it's important role which made it so famous, is the way in which the opamp recovers/filters ( from) the clipped signal. One needs the diodes in the feedbackloop to make use of this effect. When at the output this effect will be smaller to none, making the distortion much more agressive. When stating antiparallel diodes as clipping means make a distortion a TS type distortion the worldwide amount of TS players increases with an amount I don't even want to think about....
Also, the considerable higher gain of of a 250 causes the output to have a lot more energy to be driven into the diodes, making the edges of the clipped signal a lot sharper giving an entirely different sound.

As for Leds and their sound.
The colour of a led depends of the so called contamination of the sillicon. This is semiconductor physics. Therefore different colours of led's work at different voltages (althoug all differences are in the millivolts range) and currents. This simply means that the clipping will occur at different levels depending on the colour used. I never dived into the differences between a "normal" and a high brightness or high efficiency LED so I cannot say anything about their sonical differences. (is that true? not really, A high efficiency LED works on a lower current so it will clip easier with the same quantity of energy supplied... I guess).

In order to make Michel happy I shall rebuttle... :razz:

I didn't say that if you took away the buffers and the second half of the 4558 that the TS was exactly like the 250. I said it was almost exactly like the 250. Aside from a few meaningless differences in cap and resistor values, the only real difference is the placement of the clipping stage.

As much as you like to argue with me, Dirk...even you can't say that the 250 is not the grandfather of the TS :wink: I'm willing to bet one of my testies that the engineer who designed the TS was looking at a 250 when he did it. If those stakes are too high, I'm willing to wager a dutch oven

15 mei 2004, 19:31
I should mention that when I say "almost exactly like", I'm not talking about sound. I'm talking about design.

16 mei 2004, 00:24
I just did some diode testing on different colored LEDs and Si diodes.

Treshold voltage:
yellow & green LED (both 3 and 5mm)= 1790-1800 mV
red LED= 1500-1510 mV
1N4001=584 mV

Btw, #001 still isn't working, I tested most components, re-did some soldering on wires (or cut them shorter), totally re-did the switch to the non-popping way of wiring, but still the weird fullrange noise and crackle when engaging the effect, as well as popping. :cry:

16 mei 2004, 00:40
I just did some diode testing on different colored LEDs and Si diodes.

Treshold voltage:
yellow & green LED (both 3 and 5mm)= 1790-1800 mV
red LED= 1500-1510 mV
1N4001=584 mV

Btw, #001 still isn't working, I tested most components, re-did some soldering on wires (or cut them shorter), totally re-did the switch to the non-popping way of wiring, but still the weird fullrange noise and crackle when engaging the effect, as well as popping. :cry:

One time I was building a tubescreamer clone (imagine that!) and I could not get it to work. I tried everything. Tested everything. Replaced every single component one at a time (would have been easier just to build a new board) but still no luck. I finally got so frustrated that I said fuck it and threw the entire pedal into my spare parts box. It was an order for someone so i just built a whole new pedal. A couple of months later I took the failed ts clone out of the box to take some parts off of it and as soon as I looked at it a saw that I had wired the circuit input and output backwards.

It's probably something really simple that's giving you problems Speedy. Do something to clear you mind and then look at it with a fresh pair of eyes. Check the stuff that's so simple you think you could never make a mistake on like your Jack wiring and AC adaptor wiring.

16 mei 2004, 12:09
I just did some diode testing on different colored LEDs and Si diodes.

Treshold voltage:
yellow & green LED (both 3 and 5mm)= 1790-1800 mV
red LED= 1500-1510 mV
1N4001=584 mV

Btw, #001 still isn't working, I tested most components, re-did some soldering on wires (or cut them shorter), totally re-did the switch to the non-popping way of wiring, but still the weird fullrange noise and crackle when engaging the effect, as well as popping. :cry:

One time I was building a tubescreamer clone (imagine that!) and I could not get it to work. I tried everything. Tested everything. Replaced every single component one at a time (would have been easier just to build a new board) but still no luck. I finally got so frustrated that I said fuck it and threw the entire pedal into my spare parts box. It was an order for someone so i just built a whole new pedal. A couple of months later I took the failed ts clone out of the box to take some parts off of it and as soon as I looked at it a saw that I had wired the circuit input and output backwards.

It's probably something really simple that's giving you problems Speedy. Do something to clear you mind and then look at it with a fresh pair of eyes. Check the stuff that's so simple you think you could never make a mistake on like your Jack wiring and AC adaptor wiring.

does that mean i'm not the only one who's stupid enough to do that? :lol:

16 mei 2004, 14:23
Keith, the thing is, the pedal IS working, but 9 out of 10 times when I turn it on, there comes this fullrange noise (which dissapears as soon as I strike some guitar strings) and the switch pops.
Yesterday night I removed the back-lid and the switching was more normal, so I figured it had something to do with a short circuit. So I wrapped the perfboard in some plastic, put the lid back on, but still the same problems.

Btw, I can tell you it's not the solderjoints that were touching the lid, as I put a special rubber pad on the inside of the lid, to prevent this kind of short-circuiting.

There's also some crackling when I jam a bit at the perfboard, or even the 9V adapter plug, but I checked all those wires too and resoldered them.

I'm pretty near the "throw perfboard away, burn it, curse to the heavens and put it on plain PCB" stage... :cry:

16 mei 2004, 19:58
In order to make Michel happy I shall rebuttle... :razz:

I didn't say that if you took away the buffers and the second half of the 4558 that the TS was exactly like the 250. I said it was almost exactly like the 250. Aside from a few meaningless differences in cap and resistor values, the only real difference is the placement of the clipping stage.

As much as you like to argue with me, Dirk...even you can't say that the 250 is not the grandfather of the TS :wink: I'm willing to bet one of my testies that the engineer who designed the TS was looking at a 250 when he did it. If those stakes are too high, I'm willing to wager a dutch oven

Since I'm not at home I don't have acces to my schematic library to either state or not that you're wrong about this "looking at at DOD when designing". Check this thread... ill be back.
While thinking of your statement:
If this is true and the DOD guys were the first to use antiparallel diodes to obtain clipping these guys deserve a lot more credits for their idea which is brilliant. Unfortunately I have a Mullard transistor design handbook which describes this approach and dates from somewhere around '64. The same is true for the engineers (and were these Maxon guys or not, I doubt...) which had the same magnificent idea when they put the diodes in the opamps feedback loop?
There's defined ways to approach when working on creating a clipping stage. When these approaches are at hand there's no way to tell for sure if "the guys were looking at another pedal" or used the "textbook".

To be continued. As Seymour Paul said, It's getting interesting.

16 mei 2004, 20:15
no! if you *BUY* my pedals, then it's "interesting". :razz:

16 mei 2004, 21:50
Take care dude, I just might happen to (pure coincidence ofcourse....) copy the the proto's :-D :-D :-D

16 mei 2004, 23:21
Then I'll bitchslap you, take your scope and woe your girl!
I can imagine the pain you must feel then!...

getting your scope ripped...


18 mei 2004, 22:17
He Speedemon, echt te gek die threadf op HC, uiterlijk van het pedaal vind ik perfect en grappig. Ik wil ook nog eens een leuke booster in de toekomst, dus wie weet. Eerst eens horen natuurlijk....maar dan wel met een blauwe led natuurlijk.
Heb je al eens geprobeerd een dubbel overdrivepedaal te maken zoals bijvoorbeeld de CM hot drive and boost of fulltone fulldrive, of is dat dan weer dermate moeilijk dat je dat uit je hoofd laat? Voor mij wel in ieder geval, want ik vind mezelf al een hele held als ik zonder kleerscheuren en zeer ernstige wonden een gloeilamp verwissel.