View Full Version : accoorden van FERRY GREENART

3 mei 2004, 18:58
ik zoek accoorden van Ferry Greenart met een nummer dat begint met ring ring of zoiets ,ik snap het het is lastig maar ik hoop dat het goedkomt.

4 mei 2004, 10:29
Ferre Grignard
Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing -

(G-C-D-G- steeds herhalen that’s all:)
G. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..C. . . ..D. . . . . . . . . .. .G
Well, don't cry my baby, Don't cry all the while
Don't cry my baby, Just give me your smile
Seen my daddy die in the war
Seen my mama die cryin' for

Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing ,……… Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing

They call me a hounddog, They call me a swine
It's all for no reason, For their war too I'm fine
They're talking about freedom of religion and race
But if you are a negro they slap you in the face

Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing , ……… Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing
De dam dadda de day yay etc. etc.

So why are you still fighting for that sacred democracy
When war-loving murderers are going scot free
But today still I'm happy, so don't cry my babe
Together we'll strive for being free people some day
Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing
Ring, ring, well, I've got to sing
De dam dadda de day yay etc. etc.