View Full Version : verdwenen: Fender CS60 Stratocaster (Olympic White).

2 maart 2015, 13:00
Niet van mij, maar "sharing is caring"

Dear People,

On the brink of finishing the last works before graduating in the Jazz Department of the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, I lost the guitar I always played when studying, rehearsing, recording and performing live. It's the greatest sounding guitar I ever played, simply loved it and feel very unfortunate to lose it on this critical moment as a music student.

So I would like to direct my special thanks to every single soul who can give any valuable information or helps me in spreading this message.

Today, 1st of march 2015, between 15h00 and 19h00, I lost my precious guitar in front of my door @ Florisstraat 1, 2018 Antwerpen.

I've always cared for my guitars and looked after them well, but in the hurry of unloading a car under pressure, I forgot it outside next to my door.

Here are specifics that can help recognise the instrument:

- Fender Custom Shop 60's Stratocaster (Olympic White)
- It was in a leather brown vintage hardcase by Fender
- The tremolo bar has broken of, so there is metal stuck in the hole of the tremolo
- The white lacquer on the body has been soiled in some spots with dark grey/black stripes of dirt
- There is a hole of about 4mm in the body, on the side, next to the button to connect the strap to the guitar, infused by the nail of a bad case that penetrated the body. (Not the top button, the button at the bottom of the body, closest to the bridge)
- The hardcase has a section for accessories that includes the owners certificate of the guitar, a jack cable, a cutter to replace strings, the broken-of tremolo bar, some single strings...

The damage hole in the body is probably the most specific characteristic of this beauty.

I think this describes the guitar the best.

Thanks, peace

Arno Goossens
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11042953_10206640470958799_6464381488513454237_n.j pg?oh=9e62447f53880fee84a1b36628f30414&oe=558FC3D3&__gda__=1434753639_e2c776a820f470b4be61c75624bb52d 4