
View Full Version : Footcontroller advice

7 november 2012, 18:19
Hi guys,
as you know, soon I will start developing the the MIDI IN for the PP.
What is the most used and complete floor controller that I could use test PP's MIDI IN ?

Please advice also for second hand.


7 november 2012, 18:42
Hi Massi, I think a lot of people use the Behringer FCB1010.
Thats a foot controller that has imho the most logic and clarifying looks and layout!
The lay out looks very simulair to the Roland FC200 but thats a model Roland doesnt make anymore...

7 november 2012, 20:43
Hi Massi, I think a lot of people use the Behringer FCB1010.
Thats a foot controller that has imho the most logic and clarifying looks and layout!
The lay out looks very simulair to the Roland FC200 but thats a model Roland doesnt make anymore...

Thanks Jerome. I had that footcontroller, but it broke dwon shortly after I bought it second hand.
I did not know that this is largely diffused.
I had other users with the same footcontroler asking for midi-in.

8 november 2012, 08:57
I'm not sure the Behringer-pedal is the right one for testing.
I think the mother of all midi-controllers is the old Bradshaw/CAE RS-10. A lot of newer controllers are based on that one.
Sadly, the RS10 is not easy to get and not sure IF Bradshaw still builds them.

The Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro is very popular, maybe not the most advanced but plenty of options. Then you have the newer boards like the MarkL FX-25, RJM, Fractal etc.

8 november 2012, 09:05
Most modern floor controllers can be used in several ways. Some are really flexible. So my advice would be to discover the "use cases" - the way people use them / how they set them up and use that information as a guideline to build the Midi In.

Technically you can get "anything" to emit the PC's and CC's you need to implement. Once you've got the technical stuff working focus on the way you'd want it to work with these use cases.


BTW: I use a Roland FC-200 - but am looking for something that can emit PC's and CC's simultaniously (for the switches). I am currently writing down how a 'perfect' pedal would look like ( I am about to start analyzing the use cases ;-) so we can compare notes if you'd like.

8 november 2012, 10:29
En nu in het Nederlands aub??

8 november 2012, 12:32
The Rocktron All Access is also a widely used, and available midi controller.

8 november 2012, 12:56
Behringer FCB1010, Rocktron All Access and Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro are among the most commonly used controllers. Judged only by Youtube, I'm really interested in the flexibility of the Liquid Foot controllers.

8 november 2012, 17:28
Thanks guys for the input.
What about Tap Tempo ?
How do you set your tempo with those controllers ?

I guess these controllers should be able to convert the Tap Tempo measurement in Midi Tempo.

10 november 2012, 14:37
Hey guys,
which footcontroller can control Tap Tempo via MIDI ?

10 november 2012, 15:24
The behringer?

"MIDI note commands for trigger and tap-tempo applications"

11 november 2012, 11:14
Hey guys,
which footcontroller can control Tap Tempo via MIDI ?

Pretty much all of them, you can do tap tempo via midi cc on one of the instant access buttons. The MarkL pedals have a special function for this on 2 possible buttons.

12 november 2012, 00:59
I read the manuals of the footcontroller you guys have suggested me.
If I understood correctly, you set the TapTempo via midi CC.

I thought there was a more pricise way to do it. Polling a midi message to retrieve a tempo may lead error measurement of about 3-4ms.

Thanks for all the infos.

12 november 2012, 09:43
Doesn't that depend on the polling frequency? :)

You could also consider an event/interrupt-based midi-in routine...?

12 november 2012, 15:07
Doesn't that depends on the polling frequency? :)

You could also consider an event/interrupt-based midi-in routine...?

Sure. Higher polling frequency, less process can be handled.
Anyway if users are happy with this MIDI CC=>TEMPO method is fine for me :)

Interrupt based midi -in routine is in my opinion a must.

12 november 2012, 18:44
For 120 bpm (1 beat is 500ms), the error margin (3-4ms) is less than 1%. Seems acceptable to me. :crazyhappy:

3 december 2012, 07:50
Hi guys,
how does a ground foot controller get the information regarding the effects status (ON/OFF) since it is connected mono directional (only one midi cable) ?

I have studied the manuals of the most common MIDI ground controller and they appear to be quite convoluted and time consuming.

3 december 2012, 08:56
-somewhat related-

The Roland FC-300 has a Patch-mode that allows you to send multiple midi messages for 'select' and 'unselect' of that specific program number. In this mode you could send out a PC to select the patch in the unit and send additional CC's to enable/disable effects in that program.

It also has a sys-ex mode that exchanges rich program information but that requires 2 way connections - either midi or CAT.

I though this info might give you some 'inspiration' ;-)