
View Full Version : De Nieuwe 3 kanaals Matrix1500FXBD

6 oktober 2012, 20:43
Nu ook een 3 kanaals Matrix

Van Bruno:
I'm very proud to introduce to you the new 1500FXBD 3 channels power amp from the good folks at Matrix amps uk .
3 channels power amps have been requested for at least a decade by guitar players worldwide and it finally happens.
You may wonder why nobody produced one before? There are several reasons. Fitting 3 channels into a rack unit means heavy, bulky and expensive.You need to fit a third OT and more tubes and circuit. That means a very deep unit that will weight a ton. Also 3 channels of pure tube power isn't always the right solution for a real W/D/W system because of serial coloration. One solution would have been one tube channel and two SS channels. But that means a mix of technology into the same box and some limitation to mono or W/D/W. A 3 channel amp was simply not worth making until now...
Enters Matrix amps. The GT's give you all the warm sound and feel of the best tube power amps without the weight . My personal tests even surpassed sonically the "well known" tube power amps out there.
But there are other benefits like no maintenance and also no load hassle. This is where you may start to see the big advantage of the 1500FXBD. You can use any channel you want with no worries of failure. Want to use it with a simple preamp and one cab in a very quick setup for reahearsal ? Want to use it in your rack for your stereo setup ?
Or with 3 cabs for a big sounding W/D/W? It's all possible without having to think about anything else than plugging in the channels you want to use and just forget the others. But wait it doesn't end there. Your drummer or bass player want to hear the sound of your mighty playing ? You may use two channels for yourself and leave the third one as a monitor for your guys.There are actually a lot of thing you can do with 3 channels that were not possible until now.
Another advantage of the GT series is that unlike tube amps good sound doesn't come in a sweet pot . Tube amps always sound best at a certain volume.This is why you may want a 5 watts head for home playing and a 100 watts stack for live playing and that the opposite yields poor results . The sound is power dependant but with the GT's it is not.
You never have to wonder if you have too much power. Only if you have enough. With 500 watts by channel you are covered. Tone will not change at any volume because of the power amp. It will only change because of the cabinet, the speaker and the volume played..the air moved. The Matrix GT's work in all situations from home to studio to rehearsal and stage.
To sum it up the Matrix 1500FXBD will fit about any power and situation you may request for your rig, like the ultimate power amplifier for guitarists. It will open new possibilities uncovered by the classic stereo power amps.
3 x 500 watts ,3.750kg and 1U.... powering your rig have never been so easy

7 oktober 2012, 14:44
Vierduizend kilo... issie van plutonium?

Anyway, ik vind het een vet idee, maar ik vraag me af hoeveel modeller-gebruikers er een W/D/W-setup gebruiken. De meeste die dat doen, doen dat misschien met een echte versterker door een conventioneel cabinet en een stereo (Matrix) poweramp voor de effecten.

7 oktober 2012, 18:29
De vorkheftruck krijg je er gratis bij :-) De Kemper heeft na zijn laatste update de mogelijkheid voor W/D/W. En deze versterker is natuurlijk ook geschikt voor de players die met een losse pre-amp werken zoals de Triaxis etc. Er is dus zeker een markt voor.En als je stereo speelt heb je altijd een back- up kanaal bij je :-)

Doris Imaging
29 december 2012, 08:10
Ha, goed nieuws, net zo min iets over dit?

29 december 2012, 08:40
500W per kanaal... Dan heb je 3x een 4x12" nodig met 4 EV 12L anders blaas je je cabs op bij vol vermogen.
Wel knap dat 'ie nog geen 4 kilo weegt, en blijkbaar erg goed klinkt.