
View Full Version : NGD: Vakantie souveniertje

Wouter J
27 juli 2012, 02:27
In het Engels omdat ik deze boodschap ook op andere sites wil plaatsen.

Well as I said a week ago, my object for my vacation was to visit several air museums and to buy a cheap guitar to play while on my journey.

And so I settled on this.
Now for those who don't know: Vester was a brand made in the mid eighties until the early nineties by Seahan in Korea and was marketed as a beginner's instrument.

So to be honest with you guys, when I went to pick it up, I wasn't expecting much. I asked the couple I bought it from if they could photograph me after I bought it.
As soon as I was handed the guitar, I found issues, the strings were rusty and the action high enough to make it work as a lapsteel, the neck itself was bowed and several tuners had their bushings damaged, from what they told me, the guitar has spend at least 15 years in their attic without it being kept in a case or gig bag. I had no reason to doubt their story, the state that guitar was in said more than their words did.

Here's the guitar in my room at the hotel where I was staying.
When I took the picture, I already had shimmed the neck (I had taken several tools including a set of Allan keys with me), cleaned the guitar up and put on a brand new set of strings.

Taking the guitar apart was a trip down memory lane, I owned a couple of Vesters before and there again was that plywood body I was so used to seeing and the bridge had been blocked off. Which is a good thing since just looking at the whammy bar makes those guitars go flat. When taking the old strings off I got another trip down memory lane: they were Fender Super Bullets, I played those for years when I was in my teens.

But since I didn't take an amp with me, I only could play it unplugged, Vesters have nice necks, a good D- profile, certainly not the shredder type of neck you'd expect a guitar from that style to have. Although the frets at the second and third position were worn, showing the fact that the previous owner used it for strictly rhythm.

So today I got it home and was finally able to plug it in. I was surprised at the sum of the parts of this guitar: Plywood body, cheap single coils and yet it sounds really pleasant. I was never expecting the chime of a swamp ash body'd Strat and of course it doesn't give me that but compared to my 1989 Squier Strat "The veteran" (Which is also a Korean made Plywood body guitar) it sounds much more punchy, probably because of the pickups being bolted directly into the body, rather than being suspended in a pickguard.

So what are my plans? I might change the tuners, since they were pretty banged up, or as an experiment I might change the neck because it's still pretty bowed.

Or I might leave it as it is.

27 juli 2012, 11:25
Best wel jaren '80. (waar was je op vakantie?):hide:

29 juli 2012, 11:16
zelfs die vent op de foto ziet er jaren tachtig uit! wel een iets wat modern shirt voor die tijd. ik zeg, fantastisch!