
View Full Version : Hoogte van single coil elementen op American Standard Fender Stratocaster ?

18 juli 2011, 12:34
Ik heb min of meer per ongeluk aan de schroefjes gezeten van de 3 single coil elementen van mijn nieuwe :strat: Fender Stratocaster (American Standard) waardoor de fysieke hoogtes wat veranderd zijn.
Nu heb ik 2 vragen hierover:

1) Wat is de impact van de afstand tot de snaren van de elementen (warmer, feller ...etc ?)

2) Wat is de standaardhoogte (fabrieksinstelling) voor de 3 single coil elementen? Of waar kan ik deze vinden ?

18 juli 2011, 13:03
(Dit is geen theorietopic, dus verkeerde subforum.)

Elementen hoger > dichter bij de snaren > magneetjes pikken trillende snaar beter op = meer geluid.
Maar: magneetjes trekken ook aan de snaar ('string pull') > dempend effect = minder geluid (doffer, vlakker).

Er is geen standaardhoogte. Afstand tussen magneet en snaar hangt namelijk ook af van de hoogte van de snaren. Dikkere snaar > iets hoger afgesteld tegen string buzz = grotere afstand tot magneet. Maar ook dikkere snaar > sterker magnetisch veld = harder geluid.

18 juli 2011, 13:17
Verplaatst naar electrisch gitaren. Vragen => PM

18 juli 2011, 13:21
Pickup Height

The strat is notoriously temperamental with regard to pickup height settings. If set too far from the strings, the sound will be weak and the buzz intolerably loud. If set too close to the strings, the magnetic pole-pieces will interfere with the vibration of higher notes, causing a distortion of pitch. In addition, many people underestimate the influence which pickup height and balance has on your tone. I have developed the following procedure for the correct adjustment of strat pickup heights (this is intended for traditional alnico magnet pickups-other types can usually be set closer to the strings)
1.Set the bridge pickup 3 to 2.5 mm's from the pole piece to the bottom of the string on BOTH the bass and treble sides of the pickup. (Some people like to slant the pickup so that the treble side is much closer to the strings, but if you want your head to remain ON your shoulders, I advise against it) Now play some chords across all six strings on various places on the neck. Listen carefully to the balance between the bass and treble strings. If the bass strings are noticably louder than the treble or vice-versa, raise or lower the appropriate side until a nice balance between high and low strings is achived.

2.Now that the bridge pickup is set, its time to deal with the middle pickup. Compare the output of the middle pickup with that of the bridge and raise or lower it until the output is the same. Again adjust the pickup until a balance between the high and low strings is achieved.

3.Now the neck pickup. Much the same as points 1 and 2-get the output the same as the middle pickup, than adjust for correct string balance.

Hopefully you will now have all the expected strat sounds at your disposal. Also, if you want to increase the 'quackiness' of the in-between tones AND/OR you rarely use the middle pickup, screw it down low and you will achieve the desired effect.

18 juli 2011, 14:04
Er is geen goed of fout. Je moet er gewoon net zo lang aan draaien todat het voor jou het beste klinkt.