
View Full Version : Guitar Design and Template Building: New Video!

1 maart 2010, 11:43
So, I've put up another video tutorial. This time it covers a BIT of guitar design, as well as fully covering template making for both bodies and necks. I've had this video'd for awhile, but Zatar's enthusiasm on the subject of necks (PRS in particular) spurred me to leak this video. Hopefully it'll answer some of the questions you have about necks. And hopefully will inspire some people to quit building strats and les pauls and design a guitar of their own! lol
The Video (

1 maart 2010, 15:42
Hey chris! I've seen the video and it's really nice! That's about how far I've got my neck drawing. I'll send the document to you later (just wrote it... still waiting for my camera ;)).
I'll pm you later (probably tonight because I've got "Rent - musical" rehearsal :)).