
View Full Version : nieuwe L6 pickups

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25 januari 2008, 09:58
las net op telecaster com een verslag over Bill Lawrence op Namm
arlow west heeft daar wat zaken gedemonstreerd en een verslag geschreven

Day One:

Woooo man it is H U G E and I can clearly understand the excitement generated by this event. This being my first one I am in complete awe at the presentations and displays. One can only guess at the many millions of dollars spent and generated by NAMM. Incredible!

Ron Garson from the TDPRI stopped by to say hello. It was great to meet you Ron.

Don Mare stopped by and we jammed for a bit. Then he took Piney out for a spin. Got pics coming soon.

While Don was there Jason Loller stopped by and I got a great shot of Bill, Don and Jason. I will post them very soon. My internet connection at this hotel is worse than dial up. It is really bad but the location is perfect I am a very short walk to the show.

Bill brought his refurbed Fender Twin and man does that amp have some great clean sparkle tones. His new twin blade Strat pickups are turning a lot of ears in the direction of his display. I will detail them better with pics and some video clips later.

Line 6 was very kind to let us use the new Bogner Spider II which is perfect for demonstrating the new Bill Lawrence L6 humbuckers in an amp with overdrive and effects.

Special thank you to our own Andy and Albert from Line 6.

Gibson executive Scott Anderson was there having a lengthy meeting with Bill and Becky. Could there be a new line of Gibson guitars with Bill's intelligently designed pickups coming out soon??

He seemed genuinely interested in these new L6 pickups. I found it very cool to be the guy demoing them for him with the Line 6 Spider in a Marshall mode. Although Bill cringes at the sound of distortion. He doesn't like to hear his pups in that way but let's face it a LOT of folks are going to use them in many ways. Including with distortion. I think it was a good idea cause Anderson seemed very intent when I ran then through some power chords and lead licks. Bill had set them up in a really nice Gibson Explorer and they had the balls when you leaned into them. I would like to think I may possibly have helped persuade Anderson into using them in a new line of guitars. We will have to wait and see what transpires but I hope Gibson does decide to have a go with a new Bill Lawrence equipped axe.

The L6 is not new. It was developed in 1973 and used in the Gibson L6S. However what makes this version new is that it is made with todays technology. Cosmetically it looks different without the chrome housing. It has a solid black composite with six alnico poles exposed in a hum bucker sized housing. It is powerful and the difference is that it is a better made and improved sound design. At least this is what I have been told by the crew at BL. Hearing it I am convinced this one will be making it's historical mark musically like so many of Bill's pickups have in the past.

The Q factor device that Bill sells on his website when used with this L6 in the bridge position can create almost any tone. I am definitely going to build a Pine Esquire with this configuration.

If you have not tried this Q device and or were a bit apprehensive that it would change the look or the sound of your Tele don't be. It installs easily with small cap and resistor and uses the pots like a tone cap. The sweep generated by the Q can be set up with optional push pull switch's as well if you are using humbuckers. I don't know a heck of a lot about it except it sounds great.

Bill and I had a couple of jam sessions which were monitored by the DB meter wielding NAMM audio police. We were told more than once it was too loud. A guitarist can't win first it's mom telling you this for 18 years then it's the club owner at the local Chinese restaurant turned rock club at night telling you "Band to loud! Break too long!" And after enduring this you face the NAMM DB patrol.

hier wat foto's van de fabriek en productie